GSI Tellus Sample Archive Access Policy

Samples from the GSI Tellus archive, including soil, subsoil, stream sediment, pan concentrates, vegetation and stream water samples may be made available to external stakeholders (commercial, academic or institutional) who wish to analyse or study the samples upon request.

While having due regard to maintaining a national archive of geological samples/media for future regional/national scale studies, GSI may grant access to samples on the following basis;

• Applicants must provide a detailed application outlining; 
        o the scope of the study, 
        o a list of the sample sites and sample type IDs required, (obtain from the online viewer
        o details of the required amount for each sample type, 
        o full details of the sample handling, subsampling, preparation, and chemical analyses proposed.
            Applicants must supply a comprehensive methodology for their facility where analyses are to 
            be carried out. These should include a summary of QA/QC procedures, 
        o time frame for collection and return of excess material and data.

• Data must be returned to the GSI promptly (and not later than two months after receipt from laboratory), including raw analytical data, certificates of analyses detailing the method(s), details of control samples, and laboratory and contractor QC reports as applicable.

• Any and all results and reports must be made available free of charge to the GSI. The GSI may make any or all of the results of the analyses available to the public.

• Should the company, institute or university request that data be held confidential this shall
be limited to a six month period.

• Applications will be determined on a “first come-first served” basis.

• Preference may be given to applications who do not propose the destruction of all material
from a sample.

• Commercial operators may not analyse samples in Mineral Exploration Prospecting Licence
areas held by other commercial operators without first obtaining their permission to do so
from the other operators.

• Applicants must retrieve samples from the archive and promptly return any unused material to the archive (and not later than two months after receipt from laboratory). Note there are
no sample handling facilities at GSI.

Please contact to submit a request for sample access.