Pat Colgan, CEO Special EU Programmes Body; Dr Marie Cowan, Tellus Border Project Manager and Minister for Natural Resources Fergus O'Dowd view the newly released Tellus Border data on 5th February 2013.
Initial Findings of Tellus Border Project Revealed
Minister for Natural Resources, Mr. Fergus O’Dowd, T.D. unveiled the preliminary findings of the Tellus Border project on 5th February 2013 at the Davenport Hotel, Dublin. Speaking to over 80 stakeholders from central and local government, research and the environmental, agriculture and mineral exploration sectors, Minister O'Dowd said “The maps released today represent a significant body of work which characterises in great detail the geology and environment of the border region. Sustainable environmental management not only protects our environment but supports many sectors of the cross-border economy including agriculture and tourism”.
Minister O'Dowd was joined by Pat Colgan, CEO of the Special EU Programmes Body, which manages the INTERREG IVA fund. Welcoming the launch of the Tellus Border data Mr Colgan said “This EU funded project is truly unique and will provide an invaluable source of data that will have many significant benefits, on a cross-border basis. It will greatly enrich our knowledge of the natural environment and also enhance our agricultural capability now and in the future.”
The airborne survey data, now available to the general public free of change, has revealed extraordinary new detail to regional geological features which extend throughout the border region. New information on subsurface structures is already helping to improve and update the Geological Survey of Ireland’s existing geological maps, which support sustainable planning countrywide. Data is available to view and download here.
The launch event also saw a preview of the geochemical data, which will be released later in 2013 following continuing quality checks and interpretation. The data will reveal important natural and man-made influences on the soil and water chemistry of the area, significant for managing the environment and optimising agricultural productivity.
A conference will be held in October 2013 to officially close the project and present the full findings from the survey and accompanying academic research projects. To register for notifications for upcoming data releases, please email your details to tellusborder@gsi.ie.
Data Launch Presentations |
Project Overview: Marie |
Geophysics: Jim |
Geochemistry: Kate |
Data Delivery: Shane |
Summary and Look forward:Ray |